Day Trips

Forsyth Audubon offers a wide variety of opportunities to watch birds with fellow members. In and around Winston-Salem, the chapter leads a Second Saturday Bird Outing each month and last Monday Bird Outing each month except December. In addition, the chapter organizes several day trips throughout the year and two weekend trips to birding hotspots that are a little further away.

There are plenty of good birding locations within a two-hour’s drive from Winston-Salem. Forsyth Audubon offers several day trips during the year. Often this is a good chance to see some birds that we may not be able to find in Forsyth County, like Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in the North Carolina Sandhills or Golden Eagles at Burke’s Garden in Virginia. In the summertime, nearby places at higher elevations may be breeding grounds for birds we see here only during spring or fall migration, such as Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and many of those beautiful warblers.

Trips have included Elk Knob State Park, Virginia’s Smartview Recreation Area and Weymouth Woods.

Day trips are publicized on this page, on our Calendar and on the Forsythbirds google group (sign up here). We usually meet early in the morning at Thruway Plaza behind Wells Fargo Bank, carpool to our destination and return home in mid-or late-afternoon. Bring your binoculars, of course, plus a bag lunch, drink and snacks, and dress appropriately for the weather where we are going. Remember, it could be 15 degrees cooler in the mountains or warmer elsewhere.